Google Shopping: What is it, and how can I use it?
Google Shopping is a service that allows users to search for products right in the search engine, and they will be shown ads from...

A beginner's guide to email marketing & how to get started with email marketing
There are at least 3 times more email accounts than Facebook and Twitter combined. How’s that for a reason why you should be doing some...

How much should I spend on digital marketing?
How much should your business be spending on marketing and digital marketing?

SEO Basics For Northern Ireland Businesses
The basics of search engine optimisation for businesses in Northern Ireland.

How to use Twitter business hours to network and promote your business
Twitter business hours are really important from a digital marketing point of view. Find out how to get involved.

Should my business be producing video content?
Benefits of producing video content for your digital marketing plan.

5 Digital marketing trends to be aware of in 2017 for Northern Ireland
5 digital marketing trends in 2017 for businesses in Northern Ireland.

Should my business be using Snapchat?
Looking at the reasons why some business types should be using Snapchat in their social media plan.

Retargeting and remarketing, what's the difference?
Blog post explaining what retargeting and remarketing are. Discusses each tool and the differences between each with examples.

Online display advertising - the lowdown
A basic breakdown of online display advertising, what it is and what it involves